we shall

paulo arraiano


paulo arraiano

The artwork created by paulo arraiano for the MAU (Museu de Arte Urbana) Commissioned TagusPark is a captivating blend of hyperrealistic painting, electrical neon energy, and poignant themes centered around the climate crisis, extinction, and the Anthropocene era.

At its core, the artwork serves as a reflection on the profound ecological challenges facing our planet and the impact of human activity on the environment. Through hyperrealistic depictions of fossils, the artist confronts viewers with the stark reality of extinction and the fragility of life on Earth. These meticulously rendered fossils serve as both a testament to the past and a warning for the future. Interwoven with the hyperrealistic elements are bursts of electrical neon energy, adding a contemporary and dynamic flair to the piece. The neon lights pulsate with vibrant colors, symbolizing the ever-present energy and vitality of life, even in the face of impending crisis. The artwork also nods to a post-graffiti movement, hinting at the artist's roots in street art while showcasing their evolution into the realm of contemporary art. This fusion of styles speaks to the fluidity and adaptability of artistic expression in responding to pressing societal issues. Overall, Paulo Arraiano site-specific artwork at MAU offers viewers a thought-provoking and visually striking exploration of humanity's relationship with nature and the urgent need for environmental stewardship in the Anthropocene era.

  • Paulo Arraiano

  • MAU . Museu de Arte Urbana, Comissoned by Tagus Park

  • Mural / Site Specific Installation

  • 2024, Hand painted wall with Acrilic, Aerosol painted elements, 3d acrylic letters with neon-led back light and outlines.